





谢谢您的产品 - 我将向其他人推荐它。
彼得 - SA





我丈夫抱怨痒的背,经过检查,他对我看上去像蜘蛛咬人。咬合大约2英寸,皮肤鲜红色,发炎且极难接触。我应用了麦卢卡力量软膏 - 主要是要把痒带走,它在几分钟之内就这样做了
我们使用这种软膏来处理很多事情 - 这确实是最好的!

简 - 维克




我的头皮上有一个皮拉尔囊肿约18个月,在过去的几周中,这变得非常紧张和痛苦。我不想让医生搭配它,所以我使用MGO 263麦卢卡蜂蜜,每天直接涂在囊肿上3天,然后每天涂一次Manuka Power软膏。



美国的反馈 Manuka Power Conc。软膏。





 为了对您的宠物产品礼品篮表示感谢(这是Minty生日的及时出现的),我已经用您的产品附上了许多我的两只猫的照片,以及几张Minty的照片,使用“ Just for Pets:natures gold for Pets: manuka皮肤霜可缓解干燥和破裂的皮肤。我选择给您发送很多照片,以便您可以选择最喜欢的照片。您有权在社交媒体和您的网站上使用所有这些照片。










几年来,我的眼睛周围遇到了严重的瘙痒和刺激问题。皮肤变成蜥蜴状和肿胀,甚至散布在我的脸,脖子和胸部上。 DOC诊断出的过敏和处方眼滴的几个不同的时间,这根本没有任何作用。我完全痛苦!我订购了我的女儿,一名护士,并为自己拿了一根管子。绝望地,我在睡觉前的眼睛里放了一些眼睛。下一个上午,刺激性要少得多。再过两个晚上,无论它消失了。现在一个星期后,没有复发。 (尽管现在我知道如果再次发生该怎么办!)。该产品很棒,我一定会再次订购。亚马逊美国客户。


应用于手术疤痕,每隔晚上在睡觉前用10 x 4绷带覆盖。在大约8周内,疤痕被治愈,只能看见。将其推荐给物理治疗组的其他人,大多数都有相似的结果。我的骨科外科医生推荐了它。也便宜。耶...沙龙



嗨,吉尔,我美丽的保湿剂和精华素是神圣的,非常感谢我们的蜜蜂和您自己提供了奇妙的产品.........玛丽莲·杜斯(Marilyn Dawes)

在与复发性扁桃体炎作斗争四个月并发现我的身体开始抵抗抗生素后,医生建议手术去除扁桃体。一位朋友推荐了麦卢卡金NPA 15+药用强度,我与维生素C一起消费了,我经历了惊人的效果!通常花了一周多的时间才能在不到三天的时间内解决合成抗生素的痛苦清除!自从将麦卢卡黄金引入我的饮食以来,我已经一年多了扁桃体炎。我非常感谢您的产品,这是惊人的效果。谢谢。

我的脚顶上被白色尖端蜘蛛咬伤,没有任何帮助。瘙痒,红色的痛和燃烧使我发疯,我的皮肤不断嘶哑,哭泣。我去了Southgate Reynella的Health Food Shop Natural Food Barn,这位可爱的女士告诉我使用大自然的金色治疗皮肤霜。在1天之内,我的脚开始清除,一周后,我的脚几乎得到了治愈。






嗨,吉尔,只是让您知道我的手继续使用奇迹般的奶油和软膏来很好地治愈!大部分时间仍然已经超过40天了,通常在这些热风的日子里,我的手本来是原始的,燃烧的,但不再了!再次感谢您的出色产品,下周我会取得联系。欢呼,林登·昆兰(Linden Quinlan)



在将软膏与治疗霜结合使用一周之后,头几天至少每天至少6次,并且每天早晨也会消耗1茶匙的麦卢卡金蜂蜜。我正在附上第一天的照片,然后从今天开始,一周后,差异真是太神奇了!非常感谢您向我介绍您的“真正黄金”产品!正如我告诉你的那样,我对亚硫酸盐过敏,所以无法在发酵食品,酸奶等中食用任何“好细菌”,所以我相信蜂蜜确实开始治愈我的肠子呢下一个工作休息并购买大量奶油时,我将不得不与您联系。两周后,我会发送更多照片。非常精彩。欢呼林登·昆兰(Linden Quinlan)



由于您向我们发送了一些审判样本,所以我一直在使用 浓缩软膏治疗性皮肤霜 每天。

 我一生中的大部分时间都是湿疹的患者,发现这些产品很棒,它们确实帮助我管理了我的皮肤状况 - 因此,感谢我给我尝试尝试的机会,我一定会传递有关它们的信息(到目前为止,我每天都告诉某人。

湿疹协会 克利夫兰大洋洲公司

麦卢卡电力集中软膏 - 快乐的脚
我正在跳舞 快乐的脚舞呢使用大自然的金软膏五个星期后,我的脚趾感染已降低到几乎为零。经过十年的所有其他药物疾病,或者否则这对我来说是一个奇迹。我将在接下来的几周内继续使用该产品,我相信将实现总体治疗。











我的丈夫最近将拇指塞在车门上,直接进入屋子,向我展示了 - 斑点正填满了拇指指甲并变黑,就像您需要钻钉子以释放血压一样。我打开管子,轻轻地擦了擦角质层 - 指甲区域,第二天早晨,指甲底部只有最微小的血/瘀伤点,任何伤害显然都已经分散了,将这一出色的产品评级为快速的产品宽慰。

 我2岁的孙女在腿部的前部几乎只有50英寸的棕色瘀伤来探望,我在瘀伤上擦了少量,第二天早上,我收到了一张腿的照片剩下的瘀伤中的颜色 - 随附的消息是“麦卢卡软膏绝对有效”的瘀伤实际上消失了。


 上面命名的产品对我来说是一种非常出色的产品 - 我会毫不犹豫地向任何人推荐去治疗的产品。







玛丽亚(Essendon Vic)


我想分享一些令人兴奋的消息。只要我记得我的脸上都有牛皮癣 - 你知道 - 鼻子的任何一面都发红和剥落皮肤 - 不再像其他成千上万的皮肤问题一样,我尝试过医生的乳霜,乳霜从我在市场,博览会和表演中发现的药房和所有药水。大多数产品工作了一个星期和剥落的回报,但随后我在Ginger Factory Fair遇到了Jill,后者向“自然的黄金”展示了麦卢卡蜂蜜的力量。一个月了,我再也不会快乐了 - 睡觉前我的脸上有一点点奶油,我的皮肤很棒 - 剥落已经永远消失了 - 这是一个奇迹 - 蜜蜂很棒!




我只需要与您接触,以说自使用几个产品以来,我的生活有所改善(Manuka Power浓缩软膏和治疗性护肤霜)。

自从我在2016年1月的Yandina Ginger音乐节上与您见面以来,这只是很短的时间,您告诉我们蜂蜜产品的好处。

多么甜蜜! (对不起)。我患有严重的炎症自身免疫性疾病,会使身体的许多部位干燥,尤其是皮肤。在这些闷热的夏季,空调使情况更糟。我在真正干燥的斑块上也很难治疗,我也很难治疗 - 专业的医疗专业人员只能提供类固醇霜来帮助我,如果定期使用,这对身体来说肯定是坏消息。但是令人兴奋的消息是,软膏在弹出并阻止其轨道上的任何病变上都起到了魔力。惊人的!下次访问时,我的风湿病学家将为我的风湿病学家有个好消息。




帕特 - 昆士兰州斯普林伍德。



我还使用麦卢卡清洁厂,Spritzer和Toner Plus Manuka Joojoba保湿霜和美丽的Manuka Firm Night Cream,我绝对喜欢。





以下是腿部溃疡的照片,这些腿无法治愈。在8天内取得了显着改善,并继续改善 药力麦卢卡蜂蜜。彼得每天几次将麦卢卡蜂蜜应用于敞开的伤口。一旦伤口用皮肤和/或sc疮密封后,彼得就涂了我们的治疗性皮肤霜。伤口正在愈合,皮肤开始在麦卢卡蜂蜜的帮助下修复自身。





当我被蜜蜂stung刺时,我刮掉了毒刺,并用正常的蜂蜜从我正在工作的蜂巢中擦了擦。刺痛会造成很长时间的痛苦 - 膨胀 - 麻木呆了几天。

现在,当我被刺痛时,我用刺痛和擦 天性金色磁其浓缩软膏;刺痛的时间很少,偶尔肿胀,麻木和瘙痒几个小时或根本没有。

现在,我的标准必需设备在外出工作时 本性黄金 在衬衫口袋里,面纱和蜂巢刀。













我试过 一切 可以想象可以帮助我的高跟鞋。昂贵的奶油和乳液,浮石和金属档案,甚至是一些老妻子的故事,例如土豆泥和橄榄油。他们都没有工作。





- 最好的祝福,亚历克斯 - 新南威尔士州阿瓦隆




我似乎对咬咬咬伤过敏,每次旅行发痒和出血后几周都遭受了数周的痛苦,并且尝试了各种药物,例如黄貂鱼和Fexofenafine 180mg,无济于事。你的软膏是 即时治愈。一周后每天早晨咬伤叮咬,我根本没有刮擦,此后没有发痒和出血。非常感谢这种有效效果很好的奇迹天然药物。





- 欢呼,希瑟 - 布里斯班


“我首先为9岁的孙女买了治疗性的皮肤霜。她已经受到医生的治疗了5个月,但没有好转,它到达了她开始自我意识到自己的手的舞台。他们分裂,红色并进入被感染的阶段。下一步是去看专家,所以我问我们可以先尝试自然治疗。所以我们做了顺势疗法并购买了治疗霜。顺势疗法者说,治疗霜没有化学物质,可以使用它。在不到一周的时间内,我们每天至少使用奶油看到乳霜的结果 - 到了5周,这完全清楚了,恐怖几乎全部消失了。两个。赛道上的几个月没有吓人,她每天只使用一次。从那时起,我推荐了护肤产品给我的客户,因为我是美容治疗师,并尽可能多地使用天然产品。痤疮酒渣鼻和会阴皮炎。现在,我所有的客户都不使用类固醇面霜,他们的皮肤同样光滑。我现在为所有老年和老年客户推荐大自然的黄金。


- Kym,Farmborough Heights NSW




“感谢上帝为大自然的金色摩纳哥力量集中的软膏 - 这只是神奇!我一直在手掌上使用它的皮肤状况非常痒。我的手一直使用,我尝试过任何帮助,直到我发现我发现您奇妙的“蜂蜜软膏”。它逐渐治愈了我的分裂,脆弱和发痒的皮肤,并大大减少了令人讨厌的刺激。皮肤立即变得柔软,恢复了灵活性,重要的是,这种奇迹的软膏在某种程度上以某种方式以某种方式几分钟,平静下来,有时会绝对令人讨厌的瘙痒。


- B希金斯,新南威尔士州悉尼












“我是一名64岁的女性,遭受了非常难看的状态 Telangectia (流入皮肤)。自从青春期以来,我患有这种疾病,但是在过去的20年中,它在我的体内逐渐恶化。

我的手,手臂,背部,前和腿几乎像颜色一样被这种红色的网络覆盖。对该疾病的其他反应包括总是感到热,因为我身体的外部有多余的血液,并且皮肤极为干燥。我已经尝试了市场上的所有保湿霜 - 从昂贵到非常便宜。似乎没有什么对我有用的。穿上奶油后半小时,我会再次因皮肤干燥的刺激而遭受痛苦。这是非常令人痛苦和尴尬的。我一直在接受激光治疗以帮助获得难看的标记,专家告诉我,与激光治疗一起使用保湿剂。



- 芭芭拉,新南威尔士州悉尼



- 林达,黄金海岸昆士兰州

Manuka Refresh Spritzer&Toner

“ Manuka Refresh Spritzer和Toner是最好的,我沉迷于它。当我外出时,我将瓶子放在手提袋中,并且使我的皮肤全天保持刷新,就像一个 为我的皮肤喝。效果是冷却和令人振奋的,我什至有时会喷出脚踝!我喜欢使用我的Spritzer。”



- 史蒂夫,维多利亚



- 艾莉森(Alison),阿德莱德(Adelaide SA)


“我每天都要戴上粉底,所以我知道面部清洁剂是如何进行皮肤护理程序的必要条件。我希望清洁剂保持温和,并去除所有痕迹的油,污垢和化妆品,而不会剥离必需水分的皮肤。 Manuka Cleanse就是这样做的,我的皮肤感觉干净了,它不会让皮肤感觉紧绷,并且很容易洗净。我18岁的儿子已经使用了清洁剂,因为它不会留下他的皮肤通过过量生产石油。谢谢大自然的黄金!”

- 林达,黄金海岸昆士兰州


“我最近尝试了Manuka Power软膏,我喜欢它。除了是出色的保湿霜外,这是唯一阻止我嘴唇冬季缠绕的疗法。多年来,我尝试过许多润唇膏,但没有一个疗程。我对软膏非常满意,薰衣草香水很漂亮。


- 朱迪,新南威尔士州悉尼



大自然的金疗法皮肤霜是唯一为我16岁的女儿工作的乳霜,由于她的手套戴着击剑的汗水而受到严重的皮肤刺激。它在一到两天内消除了所有皮疹的迹象,就像魔术一样。我也将其用于各种各样的事情,我们不会没有它 - 我强烈推荐给所有人。”

感激 - 玛丽亚,埃森登·维克


“最近,我刚刚从我有过的最丑陋的寒冷中恢复过来。我们都知道,随着鼻子的爆炸,您的鼻子和周围地区都会如何遭受损失,但是麦卢卡的力量使我的鼻子处于最高水平的状态。我只是把一点点放在手指上,将其摩擦到鼻子周围的皮肤上,它可以很好地保护它。没有一点红色,片状的皮肤可以看见 - 它是一个现实生活中的节省者。它也很棒(而且它也很棒(而且自然)替代pawpaw,我相信可以含有石油。


- 卡西,新南威尔士州悉尼



- 卡西,新南威尔士州悉尼

Manuka Power浓缩软膏 +治疗性护肤霜

“一旦我看到大自然的金色的麦卢卡力量一小管,我就在片状的嘴唇上应用了一些。幸运的是,由于在塔斯马尼亚州没有发生的事情!但是,现在,我正处于规模的另一端,可能被称为“成熟”的皮肤 - 口渴和敏感。我做很多保湿即使我不是一个阳光爱好者,并且只要我可能避免它,但我们还是有很多强风,其中许多人很冷。

大自然的金色治疗性皮肤霜在面部爆发中效果奇迹,现在我收获了麦卢卡力量强国的好处! - 到目前为止,差异很少。


- 詹妮弗,塔斯马尼亚



- 艾莉森(Alison),阿德莱德(Adelaide SA)


“我真的很喜欢麦卢卡密集的护手霜!质地是如此轻巧可爱,它几乎立即吸收到皮肤上。石榴气味同时是美丽而微妙的。我的手立即感觉到了!评论了它是多么好(他很少对任何化妆品发表评论)!唯一的负数是,它不会放在更大的瓶子里 - 因为这对整个身体来说都是完美的保湿乳液!”

- 卡特里,新南威尔士州悉尼






- 凯蒂,布里斯班昆士兰州

麦卢卡蜂蜜MGO 263



在过去的几天中,我一直在牙龈,牙齿和舌头上涂抹大自然的金色麦卢卡蜂蜜Mgo 263,并用柔软的毛刷牙刷和麦卢卡蜂蜜轻轻地刷牙。我已经注意到,我在嘴和脸颊上感觉到的燃烧感觉大大减轻了,我注意到我能够在止痛药之间更长的时间。



安 - 萨

Below are just some of the wonderful letters and emails we have received:


"I have had trouble sleeping for years, and have been taking the "For a good night's sleep" product every night in warm milk before bed for just under a week.  The first few nights I was taking 5 ml  and I found myself feeling  a bit more relaxed than usual but was still waking up regularly.  Last night I increased the dose to 10 ml and for the first time in years I had 5 hours of solid sleep.
Thank you for this product - I will be recommending it to others."
- Peter, SA

“These products really are life changers. 
I moved to an area where I’ve consistently suffered from extreme skin allergies for the past year, reactions caused by the local flora.
I was surviving on 1-2 hours sleep a night for days & months on end, my skin never seeming to settle long enough for me to rest properly. Both my physical & mental health were suffering enormously from the stress of it all.
Over the months I tried so many alternate products, & while some gave temporary relief, it was never an ongoing consistent result.
Then by chance I discovered “For a Good Night’s Sleep”. WoW 🤩 that’s the best word I can use to describe the results. It’s calmed & nourished my nervous system, allowing me the blessing of much more sleep. As a result, my skin has also significantly calmed, resulting in far fewer hive reactions.
I can totally recommend this sleep remedy.   I take 3-4 drops / 3 to 4 times a day, beginning in the morning, with a few drops extra at night if needed. I initially took it just at night, but found significantly better results by taking small doses throughout my day.
I’m noticing the longer I take it the greater the effects - I’ve even managed an afternoon nap or 2, something quite unheard of for me given my past sleep patterns have always bordered on chronic insomnia.
And it’s such great value too, something that is a wonderful bonus when considering it for long term use.  The bottle lasts for ages & when coupled with the topical use of the Therapeutic Skin Cream,  provides soothing relief for both my body & mind.”
- Barbara, TAS



"My hands used to be smooth and soft until I changed jobs about 14 years ago.  They are now rough, dry and even a little bit stained due to manual work. I have tried lots of hand scrubs and creams even industrial strength products, but the best thing that I have used so far is the Manuka hand & Foot scrub and the therapeutic cream.   These photos are only after a few days of using the scrub and then the cream.  My hands feel soft again."



"My husband was complaining of an itchy back, and upon inspection he had what looked to me like a spider bite.  Approximately 2 inches around the bite, the skin was bright red, inflamed and extremely hard to touch.  I applied the Manuka Power Ointment - mainly to take the itch away,  which it did within a couple of minutes
The next day when I went to apply some more ointment The tight red inflammation was now soft and had decreased to half the size.  Over the next 24 hours the redness was totally gone and he was left with what looked like a tiny mosquito bite with no itching redness or irritation at all.
We use this ointment to treat so many things - it really is the best!"

- Jane, VIC



"Thank you very much for these  beautiful and effective products!:)"



"I have had a pilar cyst on my scalp for about 18 months, which over the last few weeks had become extremely tight and painful. I didn't want to have it lanced by a Doctor, so I used the MGO 263 Manuka Honey, applied directly onto the cyst once a day for 3 days and then applied the Manuka Power Ointment once a day.
This softened the surface of the cyst within the first 12 hours allowing me to squeeze out the hard contents and following that, the products drew the the rest of the pus out making it easy for me to pull out the core and what looked like the sack that the pus was in.  It is now totally flat and pain free after 10 days.
So happy with the results.  Thank you."
- Helen, QLD




Feedback from the USA on our MANUKA POWER CONC. OINTMENT.

"Healed my minor cut instantly! Also, great for atopic dermatitis. Worked like a charm!"



Pet Products

"Dear Jill, my name is Juliana. Firstly, I would like to thank you for the Natures Gold pet products. My cats LOVE it. Your ‘Just for Pets: Natures Gold Manuka Skin Cream, Provides Relief for Dry and Cracked Skin’ product works better than any vet product I have tried before, and smells amazing. I feel good knowing that your products have no harmful chemicals in them, as I am always slightly worried when using vet products because my older cat has very sensitive skin. The vets could never figure out how to help Minty (my older cat) with his sensitive and dry skin. The vets would just give him a needle to get him to stop licking the sore/irritated skin on his tummy. But I find your ‘Just for Pets: Natures Gold Manuka Skin Cream, Provides Relief for Dry and Cracked Skin’ product so amazing. It is a relief for my cat, just as much as it is for myself. I haven’t even seen him lick his tummy over the past few days since using this products, which gives me a great peace of mind.

 To show my appreciation for you pet products gift basket (which came just in time for Minty’s birthday), I have attached many photos of my two cats with your products, and a couple of photos of Minty using the ‘Just for Pets: Natures Gold Manuka Skin Cream, Provides Relief for Dry and Cracked Skin’. I chose to send you lots of photos, so you can choose the photos you like best. You have my permission to use all these photos on social media and your website.

I have not tried the shampoo and condition on the cats yet but next time I give them a bath, I will send you some more photos while I use your products.

Thank you for producing such amazing products,"

- Juliana, Sunshine Coast QLD


Manuka Power Concentrated Ointment

"I just wanted to thank you for suggesting that I try Nature’s Gold All Natural Manuka Power Ointment.
As discussed I have been applying it to a scar I received earlier this year after having a skin cancer removed from my leg. It was about the size of a 10 cent piece and had healed but was still quite red and bold in appearance. I had been using other products but could not see any improvement. Since applying the Manuka Power Ointment I have noticed the scar has lost most of the redness and appears to be fading. 

I will continue to use the ointment and I am optimistic that it will continue to fade further. 

Thank you again. You are on a winner there."

- Helen, Panania NSW, October, 2018


Beyond wound and dry skin treatment

"For several years I've had a problem with severe itching and irritation around my eyes. The skin becomes lizard-like and swollen, and even spreads onto my face, neck and chest. A couple of different times the doc diagnosed allergies and prescribed eye drops, which did nothing at all. I was totally miserable! I ordered this for my daughter, a nurse, and got a tube for myself. In desperation I put some around my eyes before bed, thickly. Next AM, much less irritation. After 2 more nights, whatever it was is gone. Now a week later and no recurrence. (Though now I know what to do if it ever happens again!). This product is great and I will surely order again."

- Amazon USA customer


This stuff is WONDERFUL 
After battling a split on my thumb for several months and many bandages and antibiotic ointments I decided to check this out. Within one week of applying a couple of times a day my thumb was completely heated. I use on my lips and cuticles. I highly recommend trying this natural remedy"

- Amazon USA customer.


"Applied to surgical scar, covered it with 10 x 4 bandage every other night before going to bed. In about 8 weeks scar was healed and only faintly visible. Recommended it to others at Physical Therapy group and most had similar results. My orthopedic surgeon recommended it. Also inexpensive. YAY"

- Sharon


The place on my arm looks better than when using a myriad of other creams
"Until October of 2017 I had never heard of this product, but this proves that information comes to you when you need it. A friend mentioned this honey at that time to me, but I forgot the same because I had no issues then and had no need for it. Shortly after I developed a place on my arm that didn't want to heal. I found this product on Amazon searching for something I could use other than other things I tried over the past three months. I read the reviews and decided to try it. The place on my arm looks better than when using a myriad of other crams, ointments. etc. I continue to see improvement and will definitely recommend it to others"

- Debra, USA.

"I came across the shampoo and conditioner by chance. Had suffered psoriasis of the scalp for years with no lasting relief from any other product I had tried. From the day I started with Nature's Gold shampoo and conditioner I have not had an irritated scalp since. I can't speak highly enough of these products. Now I have just ordered some more things in their range."
- Margaret


"Hi Jill, my beautiful moisturiser & serum are divine to use, thank you so much to our bees and yourself for providing a marvellous product!"

- Marilyn Dawes


"After battling recurrent tonsillitis for four months and finding my body was starting to resist antibiotics, doctors had recommended surgery to remove my tonsils. A friend recommended Manuka Gold NPA 15+ Medicinal Strength, which I consumed in conjunction with Vitamin C, and I experienced amazing results! What normally took over a week to painfully clear with synthetic antibiotics was resolved in less than three days naturally! I have not had a single episode of tonsillitis in over a year since introducing Manuka Gold into my diet. I am so grateful for your product and it's amazing effects; thank you."
- Genevieve, Singapore

I was bitten by a white tip spider on the top of my foot and nothing had helped it. It was driving me crazy with itching, red sore and burning and my skin kept blistering up and weeping. I went to the health food shop Natural Food Barn at Southgate Reynella and the lovely lady told me to use the Nature's Gold therapeutic skin cream. Within 1 day my foot had started to clear up and after 1 week my foot is nearly healed.

I tell everyone about this cream as its amazing stuff and after suffering for 1 year with this bite I finally found something that works. I love this cream and I also use it on my face if I have any pimples pop up I just put the cream on and they go away this stuff truly is natures gold.

Thanks again for your amazing product."

- Karen, S.A.


2 week update from Linden

"Hi Jill , just letting you know that my hands have continued to heal beautifully using your miraculous cream and ointment ! It's still been over 40 most days and ordinarily in these hot wind blown days my hands would have been raw and burning but no, not anymore ! Thanks again for your fabulous products and I'll be in touch next week."

- Linden Quinlan 


Truly Gold
"Hi Jill, I met you last Thursday in Terry White Runaway Bay Chemist after a chemist employee applied what was meant to be an eczema relieving cream but which unfortunately ( but truly fortunately ) burned my hand and he quickly redirected me to you !

What a Godsend that was as you were ever so generous ,not only with your creams but your time !

After one week of applying the ointment in combination with the therapeutic cream,at least 6 times a day for the first few days and also consuming 1 tsp.of the Manuka Gold honey each morning I'm feeling relief for the first time in years ! I'm attaching photos from the first day and then from today being a week later and the difference is simply amazing ! Thank you so very much for introducing me to your "truly Gold " product ! I'm allergic to sulphites ,as I told you, so were unable to consume any " good bacterias" found generally in fermented foods ,yoghurt etc so I believe the honey is really starting to heal my gut as all the previous redness has completely abated ! I'll have to contact you when I'm next on my work break and purchase a larger quantity of the cream . I'll send more photos after 2 weeks. Absolutely amazing."

- Linden Quinlan



"Hi Nature's Gold,

Since you sent us some samples for trial, I have been using the Concentrated Ointment and Therapeutic Skin Cream every day.

 I have been a sufferer of eczema for most of my life and found these products great to use and they have really helped me manage my skin condition – so thanks for giving me the opportunity to try them and I will definitely be passing information about them on (so far I have told someone about them every day."

- Cheryl Talent, President/Magazine Editor Eczema Association of Australasia Inc, Cleveland


Manuka Power Concentrated Ointment - Happy Feet
"I am dancing the Dance of Happy Feet! After five weeks of using the Nature's Gold Ointment my toe infections have been reduced to almost zero. After ten years of failures of all other medications prescribed or otherwise this is a miracle to me. I am going to continue to use the product over the coming weeks and I am sure that a total cure will be achieved."

- Alan, Tewantin QLD

I have to say, all the products are FABULOUS!
"What I love about them in general is that they are so gentle, yet so effective, and I love that they don't contain nasty/harsh chemicals.

 I am so glad I was able to use these products, and am definitely a convert, so thank you.   

Thanks again, and keep up the great work Nature’s Gold team!"

- Anna, Brisbane QLD


"Hi Jill,

I just wanted to thank you for introducing me to your fantastic products. I have been using the Face products & Manuka Intensive Hand Cream.
My face feels so much nicer & the redness has gone from my skin. I love the feel of your products on my skin & they are very easy to apply. 
The Hand Cream is amazing.
Thanks again Jill"

- Vicki, Kogarah Bay NSW


Manuka Power Concentrated Ointment

"I recently purchased a tube of Nature's Gold, all Natural Manuka Power Concentrated Ointment, following the advise of the sales lady that it was a brilliant product and that if was the go to product in her first aid kit.  I believe the main uses are for scratches, scrapes, cuts and burns etc. 

My husband recently jammed his thumb in a car door and came straight into the house and showed me - the blood spot was filling the thumb nail and darkening, like you would need to have the nail drilled to release the blood pressure.  I opened the tube and gently rubbed a small amount onto the cuticle - nail area, the next morning there was just the tiniest spot of blood/bruising at the base of the nail and any hurt had apparently dispersed, rating this a brilliant product for quick relief.

 My 2 year old Granddaughter came to visit with a brown bruise nearly the size of a 50 cent piece on the front of her leg, I rubbed a small amount on the bruise, the next morning I received a photo of the leg with the slightest tinge of colour from the bruise remaining - with the message attached being "Manuka ointment most definitely works" bruise virtually gone.

 I am also applying the ointment to a patch of heat rash spots on my heel, which is drying out and gradually reducing. This rash had been there for about 3 weeks prior to commencing this treatment, so slow is extremely good progress for me.

 The above named product has proved to me to be an extremely good - top quality product which I would not hesitate to recommend to any person for a go to cure.

I will continue to use this product and highly recommend it to anyone who needs a gentle, Australian made product for general purpose cures.

 I am pleased to have my experience and recommendation listed on the website as testimonial.

The customer service is completely satisfactory."

- Robyn


"Hi Jill,

My daughter has heat rash/eczema on her hand from the fencing glove and the Manuka Power concentrated ointment is the only product in the world that heals it super fast.  Thank you for these amazing products all the best to you."

- Maria, Essendon VIC


"Hi Jill, 

I want to share some exciting news. For as long as I can remember I have had psoriasis on my face – you know – redness and flaking skin on either sides of my nose – well no more – like thousands of others with a skin problem I have tried creams from my doctor, creams from the pharmacy and every potion that I discovered at the markets, fairs and shows. Most products work for a week and the flaking returns but then I met Jill at the Ginger Factory Fair who was demonstrating `Nature’s GOLD’ the Power of Manuka Honey. One month on and I couldn’t be happier – a dab of cream on my face before bed and my skin is fantastic – flaking has gone for good – it’s a miracle – it’s bee amazing!"

- Charlie, Pelican Waters QLD



 "Dear Jill,

I just had to get in contact with you to say how much my life has improved since using a couple of your products (Manuka Power Concentrated Ointment & Therapeutic Skin Cream).

It has only been a short time since I met you at the Yandina Ginger Festival (January 2016) where you told us about the benefits of the honey products.

How sweet it is! (excuse the pun). I suffer from a severe inflammatory autoimmune disease that dries out many parts of my body, especially the skin. Airconditioning in these sweltering summer months makes it worse.  I also get nasty ulcer-like sores on the really dry patches and these have been difficult to treat – specialist medical professionals have been able to offer only steroid creams to help me and they are certainly bad news for the body if used regularly. But the exciting news is that the ointment has worked magic on any lesions that have popped up and stopped them in their tracks. Amazing! I’ll have good news for my rheumatologist at my next visit.

Not only that, I am using the therapeutic skin cream on chronically dried out parts of my body (e.g. hands, feet, heels, elbows,eyelids) and convinced my husband to try the cream on the sores on his legs left by mosquito bites. Success again!

I cant wait to try more of the products.

Thank you again for your helpful advice."

 - Pat, Springwood QLD


All products

"I would just like to thank you for introducing your beautiful products to me. I have used quite a few different products over the years but none as pure and natural as Nature's Gold.  I have been using Nature's Gold Manuka Power Concentrated Ointment on my hands every evening for lesions that appear for no obvious reason, the ointment reduces the redness and over a period of time the lesions disappear, only last week I went to a school reunion lunch and my girlfriend past a comment on how nice my hands and nails looked as I even rub the ointment around my cuticles.

I am also using the Manuka Cleanse, Spritzer and Toner plus Manuka Jojoba moisturiser and the beautiful Manuka Firm night cream, which I absolutely love.

While using your products I have been caring for my terminally ill husband. Since he has been ill he has suffered cellulitis on his legs and dry scaly skin from not being active. I have been applying the Therapeutic Skin cream to his legs and other parts of his skin that are sensitive to irritation. This has helped keep his skin moist and free from any problems.

I will certainly continue to use your products in the future.

Thank you"

- Joanne, NSW


Leg Ulcers that would not heal

"Below are photos taken of leg ulcers that just would not heal. A remarkable improvement in 8 days and continuing to improve with medicinal strength Manuka Honey. Peter applied the Manuka Honey to the open wound several times per day. Once the wound was sealed with skin and/or scab, Peter applied our Therapeutic Skin Cream.  The wounds are healing and the skin is starting to repair itself with the help of Manuka Honey."

- Peter


               11 July                                       19 July


Manuka Power Concentrated Ointment

"When I got stung by a bee, I scraped out the stinger and rubbed it with normal honey from the hive I am working on. The sting would hurt for quite a while and swell – become numb & itchy for a couple of days.

Now when I am stung I scrape out the sting & rub with NATURES GOLD MANUKA POWER CONCENTRATED OINTMENT; the sting lasts for a minimal amount of time, occasional swelling, numbness & itching for a couple of hours or not at all.

My standard essential equipment NOW when going out to work on bees/hives, tube of NATURES GOLD in shirt pocket, veil & hive knife.

It works for me on bee stings."

- Eric, Glenwood QLD


Manuka Essential Serum

"I'm so excited with Nature's Gold Manuka Serum. I have been using this product for the last 3 months and I would have to say it is the best Serum on the market.

I', turning 51 this year, I've had comments made all the time on how wonderful and youthful my skin looks.

The Serum applies beautifully on my face, leaves no sticky residue. It use it around the eye area and have found no real need to use an eye cream.

Thanks Nature's Gold for marketing some amazing products."

- Liz, Canberra ACT

Therapeutic Skin Cream

"Dear Jill,

I can’t rave enough about your Therapeutic Skin Cream.

As a busy mum of two, I don’t have much time to spend on pampering. It’s a miracle I even get my hair brushed most mornings! My days are spent barefoot, chasing the kids around the yard, and when I do wear shoes it is usually thongs or slip on sandals. As a result, the skin on my heels is cracked, dry and sore… Or at least it was until my Nature’s Gold Therapeutic Skin Care arrived in the mail!

I tried everything imaginable to help my heels. Expensive creams and lotions, pumice stones and metal files, even a few old wives’ tales like mashed banana and olive oil. None of them worked.

After reading about the healing properties of Manuka Honey, I decided to try your Therapeutic Skin Cream. I chose your product over others due to the fact it is Australian made AND it contains natural ingredients.

I used the Therapeutic Skin Cream twice a day. Once in the morning after showering and then again at night before putting on bed socks. The cream was moisturising, but not greasy, which meant I was still able to chase the kids around the house without slipping and sliding across the floorboards.

The difference your Therapeutic Skin Cream has made to my skin is amazing. Within 24 hours my heels felt smoother and softer. Within three days many of the cracks had gone. A quick rub with a pumice stone and a few more days of Therapeutic Skin Cream and I now have the smoothest and softest heels on the block!

I am so impressed with the Nature’s Gold Therapeutic Skin Cream I just had to write and let you know. I can’t wait to try some of the other products in your range."

- Alex, Avalon NSW

before     after 


Manuka Power Concentrated Ointment

"Hi Jill, just a short note to thank you for the tube of Manuka Power Concentrated Ointment which gave me instant relief from Sand-fly Bites from my recent fishing trip after applying it to the itch.

I appear to be allergic to Sand-fly bites and have suffered for weeks after each trip itching and bleeding, and have tried various medications like Stingoes and Fexofenafine 180mg to no avail. Your ointment was an instant cure. Once applied on the bites each morning after a shower for a week I did not scratch at all and there was no itching and bleeding thereafter. Thanks very much for this miracle natural medication that works effectively well."

- Glenn


Manuka Firm Night Cream and Manuka Essential Serum

"After having problem skin for two years and just using virgin coconut oil and essential oils I noticed my skin was dry and the pores where enlarged, and so I tried using the serum at night under the night cream and found just after 4 days that my skin looked so much smoother and the enlarged pores had gone.  Since then I've used the serum everyday, morning and night under my moisturiser.

Great product, well done!"

- Heather, Brisbane

Australian 100% Pure Manuka Honey and Therapeutic Skin Cream

"I first bought the Therapeutic Skin Cream for my granddaughter who is 9 years old. She had been treated by a doctor for 5 months but wasn’t getting any better and it got to the stage where she was getting self conscious of her hands. They were splitting, red and to the stage of getting infected. The next step was to see a specialist so I asked could we try a natural treatment first. So we did Homeopathy and bought the Therapeutic cream. She was given drops under the tongue and the Homeopath said that the Therapeutic cream has no chemicals and to use that. In less than one week we saw results using the cream at least 3 times a day – by 5 weeks it was completely clear and the scaring had just about all gone. Two months down the track there is no scaring and she uses it just once a day. Since then I have recommended the skincare products to my clients as I’m a Beauty Therapist and use natural products as much as possible. I’m getting excellent results with Acne Rosacea and Perineal dermatitis. All my clients now don’t use steroid creams and their skin is just as smooth. I’m now recommending Nature's Gold for all my clients young and old.

My daughter has also had Helicobacter Pylori. She did have antibiotics from the doctor but has had relapses with swimming in Aquathons after there had been rain and storm water drains going into the harbour and also travelling overseas in undeveloped countries and getting vomiting etc so now we have great results with taking the Manuka Honey 3 times a day for a few months to passing her last breath test and now my Dr is recommending it as first treatment before using the antibiotics. She doesn’t need it any more but we do keep it at home now in case of colds, sore throats, or any unwell feeling."

– Kym, Farmborough Heights NSW

Manuka Power Concentrated Ointment



"Thank God for Nature's Gold Manuka Power Concentrated Ointment – it is just magic! I have been using it on a very itchy skin condition in the palm of my hand. My hands are in constant use and nothing I tried was helping, until I discovered your wonderful 'honey ointment'. It has gradually healed my splitting, brittle and itchy skin, and hugely reduced the terribly annoying irritation. The skin immediately became supple again and got back its flexibility and, importantly for my sanity, this miracle ointment somehow within several minutes, calms down the annoying itch that can sometimes be absolutely excruciating.

Now, with the redness gone, and looking almost like normal skin again, I still carry the handy little tube in my pocket wherever I go (to keep it warm and easy to use) as I'm not taking any chances.....oh, and I love the gentle lavender perfume!"

–  B Higgins, Sydney NSW






Nature's Gold skincare products

"After spending many years exposed to the Queensland sun I now have severely sun-damaged and blemished skin as well as some severe skin cancers.

I have used many different products over time with little or no result. It is my opinion and observation that since using the Nature’s Gold products my skin has improved dramatically in a short time (I have only been using it for a month or so) with the disappearance of and certainly diminished presence of flaking spots and sores that I have battled with.

I am hopeful that it will assist with healing the skin cancers on my face after a few months of using it as already in this short time I am noticing an improvement all round.

My skin feels and looks healthier and happier from using Nature’s Gold, it is now a permanent part of my daily routine/ritual."

- Wayne Conforti, QLD

Therapeutic Skin Cream

My skin now feels soft and luxurious

"I am a 64 year old female suffering with a very unsightly condition called Telangectasia (bleeding into the skin). I have had this disease since puberty, however, over the past 20 years, it has progressively worsened across my body.

My hands, arms, back, front and legs were virtually covered in this red web like colour. Other reactions to this disease include always feeling hot because of the extra layer of blood on the outside of my body and suffering with extremely dry skin. I have tried every brand of moisturiser on the market – from the expensive to the very cheap. Nothing ever seemed to work for me. Half an hour after putting on the cream I would again be suffering with the irritation of dry skin. It was very distressing and embarrassing. I have been having laser treatment to help with the unsightly marks and the specialist told me to use a moisturiser in conjunction with the laser treatment.

I started using Natures Gold Therapeutic Skin Cream and to my amazement this cream is the only product I have used that has helped my dry skin. Now I look like everyone else (what a wonderful feeling). My skin is now soft and luxurious without the continual dry feeling. I have been telling others about this product and now, another friend suffering with psoriasis, has also achieved great relief by using Nature's Gold. I can only speak in the highest terms about this product and what it has meant to me. Not only has it assisted with my dry skin it has worked very well on the areas of my body that have not been treated with laser.

I would highly recommend using Nature's Gold as it has definitely worked for me."

– Barbara, Sydney NSW

Manuka Power Concentrated Ointment

"I have been searching for a product that can be used for anything and then I came across Nature's Gold Ointment. I looked up honey in skincare and apparently honey has “antioxidant and anti-microbial properties and ability to absorb and retain moisture” so your Ointment with Manuka Honey was an obvious choice. I use it on everything from my head to my toes and dry irritated skin is a thing of the past. My heels have never looked so good!"

– Lynda, Gold Coast QLD

Manuka Refresh Spritzer & Toner

"Manuka Refresh Spritzer and Toner is the best and I’m addicted to it. I keep the bottle in my hand bag when I am out and it keeps my skin feeling refreshed throughout the day, it’s like a drink for my skin. The effect is cooling and invigorating, I even spray my ankles on occasions! I love using my spritzer."

Manuka Power Concentrated Ointment

"Last week I had a bike accident and grazed my lip. It was swollen and painful and started to become septic. I was trying to put Betadine and Savlon on it. They tasted disgusting and of chemicals and weren't really working for me. Then I tried Nature's Gold Manuka Power Ointment, which my girlfriend uses for cracked lips. Not only did it help, it formed a protective layer and healed it 3 times quicker than I was expecting. A scab formed and was gone within 1 day. And the taste was perfectly manageable too. I would recommend this product to anyone, it's amazing!"

– Steve, VIC

Manuka Shield Tinted Moisturiser with Sunscreen

"The tinted moisturiser goes on smoothly and gives good coverage. It seems to absorb well without leaving a greasy residue, which is the first time I've been able to say that about a moisturiser with SPF. I have also worn it under my mineral powder foundation just to see how it performed and it gave a fresh and dewy appearance which I like. I think it is a fantastic product."

– Alison, Adelaide SA

Manuka Cleanse

"I wear a foundation each day, so I know how necessary facial cleansers are for a good skin-care routine. I want the cleanser to be gentle and remove all traces of oil, dirt and makeup without stripping the skin of essential moisture. My Manuka Cleanse does just that, my skin feels squeaky clean, it doesn’t leave the skin feeling tight and it washes off easily. My 18 year old son has taken to using the cleanser as it doesn’t leave his skin so dry it reacts by overproducing oil. Thank you Nature's Gold for a great product!"

– Lynda, Gold Coast QLD

Manuka Power Concentrated Ointment

"I recently tried the Manuka Power Ointment and I love it. Besides being a great moisturiser it’s the only treatment that has ever stopped the winter chaffing of my lips. I’ve tried many lip balms over the years but none have ever worked. So I’m extremely happy with the Ointment and the lavender perfume is just beautiful.

Well done Nature's Gold"

– Judy, Sydney NSW

Therapeutic Skin Cream

"Dear Jill, many thanks for all your kind and prompt help to me. I am so happy to have found such excellent creams and I have been telling a lot of people about them. 

The Nature's Gold Theraputic Skin Cream is the only cream that has worked for my 16 year old daughter who has had severe skin irritation due to the sweating in her glove for fencing. It removes all signs of rash within one to two days, it's like magic. I also use it for all sorts of things and we would not be without it – I highly recommend it to everyone."

– Maria, Essendon VIC

Manuka Power Concentrated Ointment

"I have recently just recovered from the most hideous cold I've ever had. We all know how your poor nose and the surrounding area can suffer with all the nose blowing going on, however Manuka Power has kept my nose in top notch condition. I simply put a little bit on my finger and rubbed it into the skin around my nose and it protected it wonderfully. Not one little bit of red, flaky skin to be seen – it was a real life saver. It's also a great (and natural) alternative to PawPaw, which I believe can contain petroleum. 

Thanks Nature's Gold."

– Cassie, Sydney NSW

Therapeutic Skin Cream

"I love this product. I have been using it most days on my skin and it's fabulous. I have rather dry skin on my chin and this product has come in really handy for it. I also have quite dry skin on my heels from playing so much sport and regular application of this product has made by my feet baby soft."

– Cassie, Sydney NSW

Manuka Power Concentrated Ointment + Therapeutic Skin Cream

"As soon as I saw the small tube of Manuka Power in my Nature's Gold order I applied some to my flaky lips. Growing up in England's cold, rainy, windy, foggy, frosty, snowy winters my lips and back of hands would become chapped, cracked and bleeding. Thankfully, since being in Tasmania that hasn't happened! But, now, I'm at the other end of the scale with what might be termed 'mature' skin - thirsty and sensitive. I do lots of moisturising and even though I am not a sun-lover and avoid it whenever I can, we have been having a lot of strong winds, many of them cold.

The Nature's Gold Therapeutic Skin Cream worked wonders with facial flare-ups and now I'm reaping the benefits of the powerhouse of Manuka Power! - and so little spreads so far.

Thank you Nature's Gold."

– Jennifer, TAS

Manuka Power Concentrated Ointment

"I have been very happy with the Ointment and adore using it as a lip balm. I love that melty texture and the natural smell. I'm continuing to put it on a mozzie bite that was taking a while to heal and it seems to be healing rapidly now. I've been applying it about three times a day. There is less redness to the scar tissue everyday and the skin feels smoother. If I've had any left over on my fingers, I've been rubbing it into my cuticles and nails. I think it could also be added to a moisturiser. I love it!"

– Alison, Adelaide SA

Manuka Intensive Hand Cream

"I really like the Manuka Intensive Hand Cream! The texture is so light & lovely and it absorbs to the skin almost instantly. The pomegranate scent is beautiful and subtle at the same time. My hands feel instantly hydrated! Even my husband trialled this and commented on how nice it is (and he very rarely comments on any cosmetic products)! The only minus is that it doesn't come in a bigger bottle – as this would be perfect hydrating lotion for the whole body!"

– Katri, Sydney NSW

Manuka Power Concentrated Ointment

"I recently got some of Nature's Gold Ointment and used it on my 8 year old daughter's leg. She had a large scrape that had a nasty looking red ring around it, which to me indicated an infection. I wasn't able to take her to the doctor until the next afternoon, so having just received the Ointment, I put it on her scrape.

I cannot believe what has happened. This morning (so 24 hours since the first application) I went to put some more ointment on before she went off to school and the red ring is almost completely gone and it has reduced in size a lot. I can't wait to see it this afternoon.

This product has impressed me so much, I am keeping it with me at all times from now on.

Thank you Nature's Gold."

– Katie, Brisbane QLD


Manuka Honey MGO 263

"I have been a sufferer of Trigeminal Neuralgia for over 16 years, and it tends to flare up in the colder months to the point where it is unbearable and can be incredibly debilitating.

The pain follows the path of the trigeminal nerve causing extreme pain in the temple, the cheek, the ears, the tongue, the mouth and my teeth and gums. 

For the past couple of days, I have been smearing Nature’s Gold Manuka Honey MGO 263 over my gums, my teeth, and my tongue, as well as brushing my teeth very gently with a soft bristled toothbrush and the Manuka Honey. I have noticed that the burning sensation that I have been feeling in my mouth and cheek, and the pain in my teeth has lessened considerably and I have noticed that I am able to go a little longer in between painkillers. 

In the times where the pain has been unbearable, I have found myself reaching for the Manuka Honey first, and then following with pain relief if needed.

I regret that I did not try this sooner, as This Honey is making a painful time a little bit more comfortable."

- Ann, SA