Relieves itchy and prickling skin from mild eczema and dermatitis
Supports skin repair, regeneration and wound healing
Antimicrobial for minor cuts and abrasions
Relieves skin inflammation
Improves healing of minor skin wounds, cuts, scratches, abrasions
helps healing of mild skin burns, sunburn
"I love this product. I have been using it most days on my skin and it's fabulous. I have rather dry skin on my chin and this product has come in really handy for it. I also have quite dry skin on my heels from playing so much sport and regular application of this product has made by my feet baby soft."– Cassie, Sydney
"I am delighted with your Therapeutic cream. I have had some skin irritations on my ankles and I have tried everything. I then saw this cream and within 3 applications it was all gone.....amazing!!" - J Barnes
Listed with the Therapeutic Goods Administration, which means it has been tried and tested, our Therapeutic Skin Cream provides relief from a variety of common skin conditions and complaints, including:
Please note: Honey should not be given to or applied to the skin of babies under 12 months old because of the MGO rating of the Manuka Honey. Please read more in our FAQs.